A leggyakoribb kérdések arra vonatkozóan, hogyan működik vállalkozásunk, és mit tehet az Ön számára.
Site supported from the higher packages that you can buy.
Yes you can install anything that is not against of the law.
Just share your QR code or your link to your chosen vcard and input it into your website.
At the moment you cannot change the basic domain, but your vcard name will be your unique folder so if you name it Bigpub, your domain will be https://vcardom.com/Bigpub
It depends on the package you have. With a Free account, you can make only 1 vcard or WhatsApp store, 1 product or service, and 1 gallery only, but if you support the site and pay for a package, you can get even unlimited options for everything.
You can reach the admin via email.
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